95bFM's Loose Reads: The Ockhams’ 2019 Longlist / by Time Out Bookstore

It’s an exciting time of year for NZ literature as the Ockhams’ 2019 Longlist has just been announced. Jenna talks to Mikey and Tess about the award categories, some titles to look out for on the longlist and points out what books we’ve reviewed previously on Loose Reads!

They also ponder, how long should you keep reading a book that you’re not enjoying…?

95bFM's Loose Reads: The Ockhams' 2019 Longlist

Listen to previous reviews of longlisted titles here:

This Mortal Boy by Fiona Kidman
The Ice Shelf by Anne Kennedy
Poukahangatus by Tayi Tibble
We Can Make a Life by Chessie Henry